Allgemein @en

Mass Action of Civil Disobedience in the Rhineland

SAVE THE DATE: Mass Action on August 14 -16, 2015

In the Rhineland Coalfield near Cologne, Germany

In 2015, the 21st COP (UN-Climate Summit) will take place in Paris. We expect the results to be pathetic. And while global CO2 emissions from more and more coal-fired power plants are rising dramatically, we take climate justice into our own hands. It is high time to be serious about phasing out coal!

In a big colourful action of civil disobedience we will obstruct the exploitation of lignite (soft coal) with many hundred people. Thus we will resist one of the crucial root causes of climate change. We will use a variety of actions forms about which we will communicate in an open and reliable way. Let’s make the Rhineland the focal point of a strong and powerful anti-coal-movement!

In context with the mass action there will be a Climate Camp and a Degrowth Summer School. A wide coalition of groups, organisations and individuals is already involved in the preparation.

We need YOU to take part in the action, and to co-operate in the joined process of preparing a summer of climate justice. You are more than welcome to come to our next meeting, on February 14-15. (The place will be announced soon)

Put these dates into your calendar now, take your holidays in August, join us!

For questions and more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch:

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